Pokémon Fire Red BR: Baixe a versão traduzida e sem erros para Android
How to Download Pokemon Fire Red PT BR for Free
Pokemon Fire Red PT BR is a fan-made version of the popular Pokemon Fire Red game that was released in 2004 for the Game Boy Advance. It is a remake of the original Pokemon Red game that came out in 1996 for the Game Boy. The PT BR stands for Portuguese Brazil, which means that this version is fully translated into Portuguese, making it accessible for Brazilian players and other Portuguese speakers. In this article, we will show you how to download Pokemon Fire Red PT BR for free, and give you some tips and tricks to enjoy this amazing game.
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What is Pokemon Fire Red PT BR?
Pokemon Fire Red PT BR is more than just a simple translation of Pokemon Fire Red. It is also a game that has improved graphics, features, and gameplay from the original Pokemon Red. Here are some of the things that make Pokemon Fire Red PT BR stand out:
A remake of the classic Pokemon Red game
Pokemon Fire Red PT BR follows the same plot and story as Pokemon Red, which means that you will start your adventure in Pallet Town, choose your starter Pokemon from Professor Oak, and travel across the Kanto region to collect eight Gym Badges and challenge the Elite Four. You will also encounter Team Rocket, a criminal organization that wants to use Pokemon for evil purposes, and your rival, who will compete with you throughout your journey. You will also have the opportunity to catch legendary Pokemon like Mewtwo, Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres.
A fully translated version in Portuguese
Pokemon Fire Red PT BR is not just a simple patch or hack of Pokemon Fire Red. It is a complete translation of the game into Portuguese, which means that everything from the menus, dialogues, items, moves, locations, names, and descriptions are in Portuguese. This makes it easier for Brazilian players and other Portuguese speakers to understand and enjoy the game without having to deal with language barriers or confusing terms.
A game with improved graphics and features
Pokemon Fire Red PT BR is not just a faithful remake of Pokemon Red. It is also a game that has enhanced graphics and features from the original Game Boy game. For example, you can choose to play as either a male or female character, customize your trainer card, use wireless adapters to trade and battle with other players, access new areas like the Sevii Islands, learn new moves from a special Move Tutor, use new items like berries and TMs, and much more. You will also notice that the sprites, animations, sounds, and music are more colorful, detailed, and lively than before.
Why Download Pokemon Fire Red PT BR?
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Pokemon Fire Red PT BR is a great way to experience the classic Pokemon Red game that started it all. If you played Pokemon Red as a kid, or if you want to see how the Pokemon series began, you will love Pokemon Fire Red PT BR. You will be able to revisit the iconic locations, characters, and events that made Pokemon Red such a memorable game. You will also be able to compare how the game has evolved and improved over the years, and appreciate the changes and additions that Pokemon Fire Red PT BR has made.
To enjoy the game in your native language
Pokemon Fire Red PT BR is a game that was made for Brazilian players and other Portuguese speakers. It is a game that respects and celebrates your language and culture, and makes you feel more connected and immersed in the Pokemon world. You will be able to understand everything that is happening in the game, from the story, to the instructions, to the jokes, to the tips. You will also be able to communicate better with other players who speak Portuguese, and share your opinions, strategies, and experiences with them.
To explore the Kanto region and catch all 151 Pokemon
Pokemon Fire Red PT BR is a game that offers you a lot of fun and challenge. It is a game that lets you explore the vast and diverse Kanto region, where you will encounter many different types of Pokemon, from cute ones like Pikachu and Eevee, to powerful ones like Charizard and Dragonite, to rare ones like Mew and Ditto. You will be able to catch all 151 Pokemon that are available in the game, and complete your Pokedex. You will also be able to train your Pokemon, evolve them, teach them new moves, and battle with other trainers, Gym Leaders, and Elite Four members.
How to Download Pokemon Fire Red PT BR?
Pokemon Fire Red PT BR is a game that can be played on two different platforms: Game Boy Advance and emulator. Depending on which platform you prefer, you will need different tools and steps to download the game. Here are the instructions for both platforms:
For Game Boy Advance users
If you have a Game Boy Advance device and a copy of Pokemon Fire Red, you can download Pokemon Fire Red PT BR using a Gameshark or Action Replay device. These are devices that allow you to enter cheat codes and modify your games. Here are the steps to follow:
Use a Gameshark or Action Replay device
You will need to insert your Gameshark or Action Replay device into your Game Boy Advance slot, and then insert your Pokemon Fire Red cartridge into the device's slot. You will also need to connect your device to a computer using a USB cable.
Enter the master code and the download code
You will need to enter two codes into your device: the master code and the download code. The master code is a code that enables your device to work with Pokemon Fire Red. The download code is a code that downloads Pokemon Fire Red PT BR into your cartridge. You can find these codes online by searching for "Pokemon Fire Red PT BR Gameshark codes" or "Pokemon Fire Red PT BR Action Replay codes". Make sure you enter them correctly and save them.
Start the game and enjoy
Once you have entered the codes, you can start your Game Boy Advance device and select Pokemon Fire Red from the menu. You should see a message saying "Pokemon Fire Red PT BR" on the screen. This means that you have successfully downloaded the game. You can now start a new game or continue an existing one, and enjoy playing Pokemon Fire Red PT BR.
For emulator users
If you don't have a Game Boy Advance device or a copy of Pokemon Fire Red, you can still download Pokemon Fire Red PT BR using an emulator. An emulator is a software that allows you to play games from different consoles on your computer or mobile device. Here are the steps to follow:
Download a Visual Boy Advance emulator
You will need to download an emulator that can run Game Boy Advance games on your computer or mobile device. We recommend using Visual Boy Advance (VBA), which is one of the most popular and reliable emulators for Game Boy Advance games. You can find VBA online by searching for "Visual Boy Advance download" or "VBA download". Make sure you download it from a safe and trusted source.
Download a Pokemon Fire Red PT BR ROM file
You will also need to download a ROM file of Pokemon Fire Red PT BR. A ROM file is a file that contains the data of a game cartridge. You can You can find a ROM file of Pokemon Fire Red PT BR online by searching for "Pokemon Fire Red PT BR ROM download" or "Pokemon Fire Red PT BR ROM file". Make sure you download it from a safe and trusted source.
Open the emulator and load the ROM file
Once you have downloaded the emulator and the ROM file, you can open the emulator and load the ROM file. To do this, you will need to follow these steps:
Open the VBA emulator on your computer or mobile device.
Go to the File menu and select Open or Open ROM.
Browse your folders and find the Pokemon Fire Red PT BR ROM file that you downloaded.
Select the ROM file and click Open or OK.
You should see a message saying "Pokemon Fire Red PT BR" on the screen. This means that you have successfully loaded the game. You can now start a new game or continue an existing one, and enjoy playing Pokemon Fire Red PT BR.
Tips and Tricks for Playing Pokemon Fire Red PT BR
Pokemon Fire Red PT BR is a game that offers you a lot of fun and challenge. However, it can also be a bit tricky and difficult at times. That's why we have prepared some tips and tricks for you to make your gameplay easier and more enjoyable. Here are some of them:
Use cheats to get unlimited items, money, and rare Pokemon
If you want to make your game easier and faster, you can use cheats to get unlimited items, money, and rare Pokemon. Cheats are codes that you can enter into your Gameshark or Action Replay device, or into your emulator, to modify your game. You can find cheats online by searching for "Pokemon Fire Red PT BR cheats" or "Pokemon Fire Red PT BR cheat codes". Some of the cheats that you can use are:
Master Code000014D1 000A 1003dae6 0007Enables other codes to work
Infinite Money83005E18 270FGives you 999999 money
Infinite Rare Candies82025840 0044Gives you 99 rare candies in your PC
Infinite Master Balls82025840 0001Gives you 99 master balls in your PC
Catch Any Pokemon83007CEE XXXX (replace XXXX with the Pokemon ID)Lets you catch any Pokemon in the wild
Pokemon IDsBulbasaur - 0001 Ivysaur - 0002 Venusaur - 0003 Charmander - 0004 Charmeleon - 0005 Charizard - 0006 Squirtle - 0007 Wartortle - 0008 Blastoise - 0009 Caterpie - 000A Metapod - 000B Butterfree - 000C Weedle - 000D Kakuna - 000E Beedrill - 000F Pidgey - 0010 Pidgeotto - 0011 Pidgeot - 0012 Rattata - 0013 Raticate - 0014 Spearow - 0015 Fearow - 0016 Ekans - 0017 Arbok - 0018 Pikachu - 0019 Raichu - 001A Sandshrew - 001B Sandslash - 001C Nidoran F - 001D Nidorina - 001E Nidoqueen - 001F Nidoran M - 0020 Nidorino - 0021 Nidoking - 0022 Clefairy - 0023 Clefable - 0024 Vulpix - 0025 Ninetales - 0026 Jigglypuff - 0027 Wigglytuff - 0028 Zubat - 0029 Golbat - 002A Oddish - 002B Gloom - 002C Vileplume - 002D Paras - 002E Parasect - 002F Venonat - 0030 Venomoth - 0031 Diglett - 0032 Dugtrio - 0033 Meowth - 0034 Persian - 0035 Psyduck - 0036 Golduck - 0037 Mankey - 0038 Primeape - 0039 Growlithe - 003A Arcanine - 003B Poliwag - 003C Poliwhirl - 003D Poliwrath - 003E Abra - 003F Kadabra - 0040 Alakazam - 0041 Machop - 0042 Machoke - 0043 Machamp - 0044 Bellsprout - 0045 Weepinbell - 0046 Victreebel - 0047 Tentacool - 0048 Tentacruel - 0049 Geodude - 004A Graveler - 004B Golem - 004C Ponyta - 004D Rapidash - 004E Slowpoke - 004F Slowbro - 0050 Magnemite - 0051 Magneton - 0052 Farfetch'd - 0053 Doduo - 0054 Dodrio - 0055 Seel - 0056 Dewgong - 0057 Grimer - 0058 Muk - 0059 Shellder - 005A Cloyster - 005B Gastly - 005C Haunter - 005D Gengar - 005E Onix - 005F Drowzee - 0060 Hypno - 0061 Krabby - 0062 Kingler - 0063 Voltorb - 0064 Electrode - 0065 Exeggcute - 0066 Exeggutor - 0067 Cubone - 0068 Marowak - 0069 Hitmonlee - 006A Hitmonchan - 006B Lickitung - 006C Koffing - 006D Weezing - 006E Rhyhorn - 006F Rhydon - 0070 Chansey - 0071 Tangela - 0072 Kangaskhan - 0073 Horsea - 0074 Seadra - 0075 Goldeen - 0076 Seaking - 0077 Staryu - 0078 Starmie - 0079 Mr. Mime - 007A Scyther - 007B Jynx - 007C Electabuzz - 007D Magmar - 007E Pinsir - 007F Tauros - 0080 Magikarp - 0081 Gyarados - 0082 Lapras - 0083 Ditto - 0084 Eevee - 0085 Vaporeon - 0086 Jolteon - 0087 Flareon - 0088 Porygon - 0089 Omanyte - 008A Omastar - 008B Kabuto - 008C Kabutops - 008D Aerodactyl - 008E Snorlax - 008F Articuno - 0090 Zapdos - 0091 Moltres - 0092 Dratini - 0093 Dragonair - 0094 Dragonite - 0095 Mewtwo - 0096 Mew - 0097Lets you catch any Pokemon in the wild
Be careful when using cheats, as they may cause glitches or errors in your game. Use them at your own risk.
Use the Itemfinder to discover hidden secrets
If you want to find some hidden items and secrets in the game, you can use the Itemfinder. The Itemfinder is a device that you can get from Professor Oak's aide after obtaining 30 Pokemon in your Pokedex. The Itemfinder will beep and point you to the direction of a hidden item when you use it. Some of the items that you can find with the Itemfinder are:
A Nugget in Route 12
A PP Up in Route 15
A Rare Candy in Route 16
A Max Revive in Route 18
A Max Ether in Route 19
A Calcium in Route 20
A Carbos in Route 21
A Zinc in Route 22
A Protein in Route 23
A TM26 (Earthquake) in Victory Road
A Leftovers in the S.S. Anne
A Sacred Ash in Mt. Ember
A Star Piece in One Island
A Big Pearl in Two Island
A Stardust in Three Island
A Pearl in Four Island
A Sun Stone in Six Island
A Moon Stone in Seven Island
Learn powerful moves from a special Move Tutor
If you want to teach your Pokemon some powerful moves that they can't learn normally, you can visit a special Move Tutor. The Move Tutor is a man who lives in a house on Cape Brink, which is located on Two Island. He will teach one of your Pokemon a special move, depending on its type. The moves that he can teach are:
FireBlast Burn
WaterHydro Cannon
GrassFrenzy Plant
ElectricVolt Tackle
PsychicPsycho Boost
DragonDraco Meteor
FightingFocus Punch
Dark Blast Burn
You can only teach one of these moves to one Pokemon once, so choose wisely. These moves are very powerful, but they also have drawbacks, such as low accuracy, high recoil, or requiring a recharge turn.
Visit the Sevii Islands for extra challenges and rewards
If you want to explore new areas and face new challenges, you can visit the Sevii Islands. The Sevii Islands are a group of seven islands that are located south of the Kanto region. You can access them after defeating Blaine, the seventh Gym Leader, and obtaining the Tri-Pass from Bill. The Sevii Islands have many things to offer, such as:
New Pokemon that are not found in Kanto, such as Johto and Hoenn Pokemon
New locations that are not found in Kanto, such as Mt. Ember, Tanoby Ruins, and Pattern Bush
New quests that are not found in Kanto, such as helping Celio fix the Network Machine, finding the Ruby and Sapphire gems, and stopping Team Rocket's plans
New items that are not found in Kanto, such as the Metal Coat, the Dragon Scale, and the Mystic Ticket
New features that are not found in Kanto, such as the Berry Forest, the Altering Cave, and the Trainer Tower
You can visit the Sevii Islands as many times as you want, and discover new things every time. You can also find some secrets and surprises in the Sevii Islands, such as legendary Pokemon like Lugia and Ho-Oh.
Pokemon Fire Red PT BR is a game that you should definitely download if you are a fan of Pokemon games. It is a game that combines the best of both worlds: the classic Pokemon Red game that started it all, and the improved Pokemon Fire Red game that enhanced it. It is also a game that is fully translated into Portuguese, making it easier and more enjoyable for Brazilian players and other Portuguese speakers. You can download Pokemon Fire Red PT BR for free using a Gameshark or Action Replay device for Game Boy Advance users, or an emulator for computer or mobile device users. You can also use cheats, tips, and tricks to make your gameplay easier and more fun. You can also visit the Sevii Islands for extra challenges and rewards. Pokemon Fire Red PT BR is a game that will keep you entertained and engaged for hours.
Here are some frequently asked questions about Pokemon Fire Red PT BR:
Q: Is Pokemon Fire Red PT BR legal?
A: Pokemon Fire Red PT BR is a fan-made version of Pokemon Fire Red that is not endorsed or authorized by Nintendo or Game Freak. It is considered a ROM hack or a mod of the original game. Downloading and playing Pokemon Fire Red PT BR may violate some laws or regulations in your country or region. Use it at your own risk.
Q: Is Pokemon Fire Red PT BR safe?
A: Pokemon Fire Red PT BR is generally safe to download and play, as long as you download it from a safe and trusted source. However, there may be some risks or dangers involved, such as viruses, malware, spyware, or corrupted files. Make sure you scan your files before opening them, and backup your data before playing.
Q: Is Pokemon Fire Red PT BR compatible with other versions of Pokemon Fire Red?
A: Pokemon Fire Red PT BR is not compatible with other versions of Pokemon Fire Red, such as the English version or the Japanese version. This means that you cannot trade or battle with other players who have different versions of the game. You can only trade or battle with other players who have the same version of Pokemon Fire Red PT BR.
Q: Is Pokemon Fire Red PT BR complete?
A: Pokemon Fire Red PT BR is a complete version of Pokemon Fire Red that has been fully translated into Portuguese. It has all the features and content of the original game, plus some extra ones. It does not have any bugs or glitches that affect the gameplay or the translation.
Q: How can I contact the creators of Pokemon Fire Red PT BR?
A: You can contact the creators of Pokemon Fire Red PT BR by visiting their website or their social media pages. You can find their website by searching for "Pokemon Fire Red PT BR website" or "Pokemon Fire Red PT BR official site". You can find their social media pages by searching for "Pokemon F