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Audrey Lopez
Audrey Lopez

Silent Hunter 5 Trainer V1 2

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The Hunter Exam is divided into several stages, each one overseen by an experienced hunter. In the first shown exam in the series, the first examiner is Satotz (サトツ, Satotsu), who tests the candidates' stamina by leading them on a marathon of unknown length through a tunnel and a swampland filled with uniquely dangerous creatures.[ch. 6, 8] The second stage of the exam is administered by two Gourmet Hunters, Buhara (ブハラ) and Menchi (メンチ). Although Menchi fails all of the candidates due to her stubbornness, Netero pressures her into giving the candidates an alternative test.[ch. 12] The third stage is overseen by Bounty Hunter and prison warden Lippo (リッポー, Rippō),[ch. 17] testing the candidates in different aspects of group dynamics, both in a communal and individual front. Chairman Netero organizes the final stage as a one-on-one fighting tournament, where the winner must get his opponent to admit defeat. In a twist, contestants pass the exam after winning only one fight with the loser advancing to the next round, meaning only one examinee will fail.[ch. 33] Satotz came in seventh and 22nd place in the series' first two popularity polls.[5][6]

Silva Zoldyck (シルバ=ゾルディック, Shiruba Zorudikku) is Killua's father. A silent, pensive figure, Killua's interaction with him seems limited. He allows Killua to go along with Gon on their journey to find his father, but only because he sees it as a crucial step in his development as the head assassin of the Zoldyck Family.[ch. 42] During the auction in Yorknew City, Silva and Zeno are both hired by the Ten Dons to assassinate the Phantom Troupe, but withdraw from the job when their clients are killed due to a job taken by Illumi, Maha, and Kalluto.[ch. 100] This was Silva's second time fighting Chrollo Lucilfer,[ch. 99] and according to Killua, he previously killed an unknown member of the Phantom Troupe.[ch. 80] Silva later appears amid the assault on the Palace in East Gorteau, killing Cheetu on the way to pick up his father. Silva tied with Ging for 15th place in the series' first popularity poll,[5] and placed 13th in the second.[6]

TIVTHE SUN, TRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1910.National GolfPIPING ROCK GOLF.HONORS TO HERRON'6fiami)ion Scores 7-1 to iLcad- Field in Qualifying for Invitation Tourney.TEACOCK KETURNS 77Many Well Known TlaycrsvFnil to Qualify Pairingsfor Match Play.njr 1NNIS DROWN.The possibility of a- meeting betweenChampion Davy llerrpn and ex-Cham-i "Chirk" Evans durlnir tha rourneV'"" -of the Invitation golf tournament at thePiping- Hock Club went by the boardsyesterday when Evans failed to put Inan appearance. Herron waa tliorc, however, with all of hla two hundred andoJa pounds of heft, to say nothing of afairly compact repertory of colflne skill,Too bad the Chicago wizard couldn'tmake arrangemets to come along.Evidence of Herron's presence lurkedabout even after ho had taken his departure to the nearby Nassau courso fora friendly foursome on completion ofhis qualifying round. The most promlr.t reminder of his presence was a markit 71 posted among the returns for theday. This three score ten and fourstood out as boldly ns the three gilttails before the? shop of a pawnbroker,being three strokes better than the nextbest and only two strokes over par for thecourse. ' Grant Peacock, who teamed with Herron to win the American golfer trophyat- the Oakmont championship tournament dropped Into the slot of runnerupto the champion with a round of 77.llirron was an early starter, and for, 'Quite a long time It appeared that nonecf the others would break an SO. Talrodwith J. X. Stearns, Jr., Nassau, Peacockcot an ay late In the afternoon andfetched homo the above record, to nosecut Gardiner V. White, who took thirdplace at SO.Starts 'With Bird a.The champion was paired with Howard Y. Whitney, secretary of the Unitedflates Golf Association, and was amongthe first dozen players to get under way.He put on display the best brand of golfho has shown In any of his previous'ttarts hero In the past week. For thefirst nine holes he held his card to aneven break with par, But once did herunpver on the nine. That was at thesecond, after he had started with a birdS on the first hole. On the opener helaid his mashle shot dead to the pinand ran down a single putt for his 3.A trapped second forced him to threeshots to reach the second green.On his journey home he managed toscore a par 5 on tho tenth, although hesliced his drive to tho rough and playedhis third over the green. The shorteleventh cost him 4. His teo shot wasshort and his Becond ran well past thocap. He got the 300 yard thirteenthIn a bird 3, running down a single puttof eight feet. His worst trouble deeloped at the fifteenth, where he pulledJila drive to the rough, waa out shortand from a bad Ho didn't reach themen on his third. At the next ho laidhit second within six feet of the cup andholed his putt for another bird 3. "Here is his card :Out 35344&S4 331la 54434634 53874Pcncoolc Plnya "Well.Teacock played very fine golf exceptfor a few mistakes hero arid there. Hedropped the three strokes by whichHerron beat him on the first nine holes.Ahere he scored 39. On the second nlnahe scored evenly with the champion, compiling a 3S to give him his total of 77.His partner, Stearns, likewise had difficulties on the first nine, totalling 42. HeImproved on the second half, coming Inwith 39 for a total of 83.Gardiner White included two penalty,strokes In his card of 80. On the firstnine holes he played beautiful golf except for a bit of erratic putting. Hispenalty strokes came on the sixteenthhole. His drive struck a bunker andthe ball burled Itself so deeply that Itas Impossible to play It, and he droppedMek with a penalty. This gave him sixfor the hole. Another six: on thefifteenth carried him to 41 for tho secondnine, which combined with SO going outi five him a round of 80.The going proved rather tough formany high class players. Two weeksso the Garden City veteran. John If.Ward, proved his mettle by -winning theNassau tournament. But yesterday hounable td get going. After encountering many difficulties he decided thathis chances to land In the first sixteenTe. gone and ho did not return a cardfor hla round.lie was not alone. Hamilton K. Kerref Greenwich, another steady, consistenttournament player, failed to t;irn In aevd. He started rather early and bythe time he had finished nine holes wasconvinced that It was not his day.Henry J Topping, a clubmate of Kerr,also found the going so unsatisfactorythat he withdrew and declined to turnIn a card for the round.Stlckney Fallej to Qualify.Stewart Stlckney of St. Louis, widely"Own In Western golf circles, was aTjUrter, but shared the fate of Kerr,Topping. Ward and others. The Mounduty entry was far off his game, missing many shots In addition to exploringMite a few of the traps of the course.- Ronton, Hudson River champion,J'so pulled out of the running beforehe had completed his round.. Under conditions of the draw forpatch play Champion Herron fell Into'e luWrr half of the bracket and meets;Archlo Itepd of St, Andrews. BesidesJ& champion several other high classPayers dropped Into the lower half ofJB bracket In his second match tomorrow afternoon, provided he defeatsjl'id Herron will engage tho winner ofV Peacock-Stcarna Joust of tho firstround ."FI. r- rtcall, North and Soutfi chamWn, who halls from Unlontown, IsUlrod ngainst O. C. Greenway, Jr., ofe National links for his first match,'h the other match of the lower halfs. can. the long hitting Prlnretonlan,if"11 fjeoge T Brokaw. National.The upper half'of tho bracket Includesmong others Gardiner White. Nassau j.Worse A Dixon, Jr., and J. C. Parrlah.jr., National, H. N. Maxwell, Jr., Nasiju. and S. J. Graham, Greenwich.hlte plays W. B. Rhett, Garden Cltj"raham meets Maxwell, Parrlsh playsJ C. Bakewell. Pittsburg, and Dixonneagea o, H, Mellon of Morris County,Bolus out is a at eicwanoic.i ctoi Deipatch to Tns 8nal.:ncter, VL, Oct. 9. The ST1iSr; cond hole at Ekwanok CountryjMuo was plaed In two strokes UilsiHjIL00? by bx E. Noberley, Jr.. ofIkTiT who wa" Paying in . fourswll41 wIth Jame Taylor of Oar.EUy' J' Appleton Allen of Baltusrollf4 Frank rv nr MnmMiU tm. h-i.iw.ben PUye- Im two but ones beforefc'tlL rw.,jr 5rer, Frea Harreihofr telnrttl performer In h. I..,.." VW V1 tMVI itMUMlVOtChampion Leads Fjield in Qualifying Round at PipingHew Golfers Fared inPiping Rock TourneyFIRST SIXTEEN.r.5?vT,Sn He"n. Oakmont. ..36 3 74urant A. 'Peacock, Garden City,. 31 tl 77Gardiner W. White. Nmu, , Jl 41-10n n Un'ontown 41 40 Sti m s.,""w"t Jr.. national.. 41 11if vir S?arn,'Jrl Naaaau 43 3911II. W., Jr.. Nassau.... 40 4383"eld. St. 'Andrew's 43 4013jT'S1 Hi l11","' aird,!n City 43 40-33J. C. Parrlsh. Jr., National 43 40 ssn.JI!r& HfHtnJ """la County.. 43 41332?mt T,' 1lrok. l'iplng nock. .43 4114nYU... ?ra?m' Greenwich 41 4314n Mt; Dixon, Jr.. National.. 31 4631? fJrk,Xel1' Allegheny 43 44 itSlmpaon Dean, Princeton 44 43 ssSECOND,MI,rn.t? Naasau. 43, 45 7! tlH 5if frXli Vi 1 '?'nf nock. 4, 4117: w.n'.ln.f 0f?' aJdn City. 41, 4033J cora it &t.ll: Tu"do. 4, 43 is; Williami ,n"t..ti, Augustine, 43, 40 if, W.Ki ?i,cki; N"u. 41, 4S39! Fay lngalls,liVh'il7' w' Young, unatOrinilJ',44-'0'.. A' EllloU Ram.y.S t??'i.4::,4,90iara1'1 Livingston. PipLi.?iTk' J ! lidmund Nash, nockaway Hunt, 47, 4390 f Percy It. Pyne 2d,Moadow Drook, 4S, 44 90s K. H. Kan?A'.lfci.Bou,ft Shore. 41. 43-91: ; J. K. VanpIfn',,Cherry'.Va,1,'!. . 4491: A. P.pfiR1 i?al,lu,!S'' 4,1 !'Lydlg Hort.Piping nock. 45. 4 91: Qarr.t A. Ho'tart. Areola, 47, 44 91.THinD SIXTEEN,n- c- Tappan; Nassau, 47, 4593:V. S1'rllng II. Ivlson. Cherry Valley.15' 4!r-'Ji s- Clinton Mabon, Garden city43. 4993J CIIBord V. Brokaw. Plnlnxlock. 46. 4793: P. S. P. Randolph. Jr!vlH2?d'J,45'.,47T.,:!Il0b"' W. GO.I.National. 47. 4593: Charles I Tiffanyriplnt nock. 4, 4693: C. M. AmoryPrkJln& b 47,TMi Howr1 F- WhltniyPiping nock, 4. 4793: E. M. Kerr!Garden City, 43, 6093; Herbert I, 43, 50-93; J. F. O'Rourke, Jr1,--' ';,;' inompson, un-E S S nch 44J60-9! C. C. Auchlnolosa.J1!, i0: "I Erlo Winstonunattached, 47, 4196: George O. Bourne!Nassau. 49, 4095: Harold H. BrookesRockaway Hunt. 64. 4196. 'FOURTH SIXTEEN.mPe. Itockaway Hunt. 43, 43";eHr,b,r Hi Harrlman, Piping nock,,U4S'n97:.C.,I:-,YRn Vleckj. Jr.. OreenW7ChV4',.,47: wHbur I Ball, Nassau,II' A',7i Seymour Johnson. Oakland,J5' 15 SI f; s- McLoughlln. SearsdateiAC ASi nn h: Batterinan, Piping5,oc.k' A'- , 48.T"i "oward C. Brokaw,Piping Rock. 49, 49 9: Richard Downing?Jr.. Wheatlev Hills. 60, 4S 93: GeorgeH. Fitter, Wheatley Hills, 61, 4899; R.II. Brooke, New York Golf, 53, 47 100:I. Townsend Burden, Piping; nock, 63, 484s"lj0 S V" 0aklan,J' Huntington, 53.FIFTH SIXTEEN.A. G. Wellman. unattached, 65. 4101: M. B. Downs, Slwanoy, 49, 68101;H, A. Curtis, Piping Rock, 49, 52 101;J- ,B. Taylor, Piping nock, 53, 49101;Philip Stevenson, Piping nock, 49, 63102; Martin W. Littleton, Garden City,51. 63103; Dr. J. D. Voorhees. PipingPiping Rock. 63. 62104; F. Worthlngtonllln. Pining TIa.Ii jo It ,A. v..Pierce, Nusau. 63,' 63 105; F. 'c jen-Steenson, Piplns Hock, 52, 63105: aren-t' 1 1 1 n ITsnn O'.. A C t r a . .aaanv, Auc&aav tit). PI IVt: 4, I..- w...4 Diiuio, o, i ivi tjcsepnFahys, Nassau, (2, 457 110: Irving Brokaw, Pipit. Ilock. 63. 68111; G. K.Fahys, Piping Rock, 55, 65 1114 ClintonGilbert, Jr.. Huntington, 56, 67 113; C,B. U Clark, Garden City, 69, 55 114-HARPER LEADS FIELDIN SHAWNEE GOLFScores 75 in Qualifying forAnnual Fall Tourney.Special DespatcA to Tarn Sex.Shawntck-on-Delatvare, Oct. 9. F.W. Harper of the Trenton Country Clubproved the beet of a field of more thanfifty golfers who teed up for the quallfylne round of the annual fall Invltntlontournament of the Shawnee Country Clabto-day. Tho Trenton player returned acard of 75, which was seven strokes better than Alex Coles of tho homo club,who finished second.Harper took 40 for the first nine holes,but played like a champion coming In toscore 35 for the second ntne. Coles divided his total equally, scoring 41 foreach nine. Following aro the qunllfyersIn the first sixteen, together with theirscores: F. W. Harper. Trenton, 40, 8575; Alex Coles, Shawnee. 41. 41 82;Dr. John Robb, Merlon, 41, 42 83 ; II.It Tylerv Elmira, 45, 38 S3 ; II. Mackall,Shawnee, S3, 46 85 ; Fred W. Knight,Aronlmink, 42, 44 86 ; Leslie Edgecomb, Arontmlnk, 4i, 42 86 ; HerbertB. Newton, Whiteniarsh, 44, 42 86;I'iere Proal, Deal, 43, 4487; C. II.Wheeler, Whltemarsh, 46, 4287 ; HenryMcKean, Jr., Shawnee, 47, 42 89 ; Ji G.Grace, Shawnee, 48, 43 91 ; II. S. Hicks,Philadelphia, 60, 41 91; Charles Beyer,Aronlmink. 45, 4792 ; R. S. Worthlngton, "Shawnee, 47, 45 92 ; E. V. Cornett, Jr.. Morris County; 44. 48 92.THE SUN'S RACING CHART. JJAJUA1UA RACETRACK, Oct. U Clean track fast.11H FIRST RACB-Three-jea'-olda and upward. 8elllng. Sit furlocjs. Pursa. $1,000.Time 1:111-6. Tost, 2:32. Off, 2:23. Winner, Llk. g., 6, by Ildrlni- Mote hi In.uwncr. u. j.uinr.H. -iTainer, u.Index. Horse. Wt. St. U H49) Mumbo Jumbo.. 118 1 1 l'H6!0 Hjomore 118 4 2'498 .Ninety Simplex 118 7 7 7Vi939 nielpner 1181034 Dalwood 118 8 8 S 81017 Babette 116 2 3 3 34C0 l'olljanna 115 5 a 4R. Htrlckland.. 115 6 6 7968 Glorlne , 114 3 4 4 6Mumbo Jumbo made all the runnlne. stoodSycamore' bad no excuse. Mnetjr Simplex ran a fair race.1 fl (.7 SECOJfD RACE Four-year-olds and upward. Clalmlnr. Mile and a sixteenth.IJX'I Pure, $1,000. Time. 1:47 8-5- Post, 1:69. 08, 3:00. Wlnnir. ch, .. . by Bachelor's Button Genny. Owner, It. DWYER. Trainer, J. Iloden. Stan coodIndex; HorseWt St.1008 nex60S Jack Mount....103$ P. ti. KIde,,,.993 Peerless One..1032 Little Nearer.,m Miss Ilrjn1011 Trophy .....'..119' Tan II109109H 2109 ft 417Ie41V1021041051061064976t1018 John I. Day.,111(lex forced the Dace to tha last (urlonr. where he went to tha frontwith plenty to spare. Jack Mount always held the balance safe. P. a. Klnroutgamed Peerless One In tha drive for third place.1(11!! THIRD RACE Three-year-oida and upward. Crescent nandtrap. Mile and a ler. Purse. $1,200, added. Time, 2:M 1-6. Poet. $:M Off, 8:82, Winner b.g., 4, by Uallet-Clara J. Owner. R. OOUI.TKlt. Trtluar, J. J. Uulreaefttart aood. Won drlrlnf.Index. HorBe.Wt. St.A 7i2' l'U 1(1029) Albert A 114(lossi Woodtrap HI(1012) Snapdraron IL Hi97 War Machine... 109996- Blairgowrie .... 1071012 Sophia datew'd 19031i" iij3ft 2 36 6 64 ' 4 46 5 6Albert A. waa much the lieit. was In tlrhtwent to the front on backttretch and stood atrap waa running very siunc i uie cnu. onspureaua it. tma aim race, uinera beaten off.1019O FOURTH HATJE Two-year-olds. Six furlongs. Purse, $2,000 added. Time 1:18 4 6.v Post. 2:59. Off, 4:M. Winner, b. g.. 2. by Garry Herrman Jloola. Owner JE. WIDE.VER. Trainer, T. Welsh. Start good. Won handily. ' "'Index. Horse. Wt. St.mi Pllirlin 110 31'ft2's10M' St. Allan' Ill 2 2'H(103J) H'd Oier Heels 117 1 I'M07? Haffainore 109 6 66461026' Irish Dream,... 116H 4ioi Mr Laddie lit 6 6Pllrrlm. outrtla early, closed fast on thewon going away. Latter was easily belt ofto get third place.Ifirfl FIFTH RACE Three-year-oida andI.UUU enty yards. Purse. $1,000. Time.b. r., by Sir Martln-Surar. Owner,start Door.Index. Horee. Wt BU. 't.956 Sweet Tooth, i.. 116 3, 4-2 2'3 1'65 47 71041 Aeiiimption ... 1061033 Prim III lot103$ Tom Young 1031M Rail Rlrd 1021022 Indiscreet 1041041 Malloe 941910 l-e issiaire .... ivLeftn,.t Tooth made a ahOW of hla eomnenv nnanrl on a en .v.. k.-.stretch and won under wrapa. Assumption easily beat of the others. Prim IIIran a fair race.-inpfl SIXTH RACE Two-jear-olda. rive furlonrs. Purse, $1,600. Time. 1:00 $4. AtXUUX poat, 4:67. Off. 4:59 Winner, b. g.. by SUr Shoo t-Courtm aid. Owner. W.ft. COB. Trainer. W. Karrlck. Start good. Won handily. 'Index. Horaev "t. it


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